Tuesday, June 04, 2002


Ok, so I've only just now decided to revive this blogger. Yeah, I have That Other Weblog Thing, but that has a more formal feel. I only post there if I really have something to say, or if I put up a new gallery or the like. This blogger was always for whatever was on my mind. Stupid random links, any random thought or idea I had, anything about monkeys... so I figure, if you want to see my creative-writing-class self, or my art and photography galleries, go to Spauldonet. If you want to know what color my last shit was, or what I'm gonna do with all these ostriches, read this. On that note - it's RANDOM LINK TIME!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Errorwear Embrace your computer problems.They have t-shirts with various computer and web errors on them. They have THREE blue screen of death shirts. 3. not just the old skool win9x blue screen of cdr101 - but the nt debug screen (the *real* bsod - the one you only see when your shit ain't coming back.) and the win2000 "friendly" bsod. the one that says "all your base are belong to us. sorry, man.". I want a shirt with "the current drive is no longer valid" on it...

Dan's Data I have become a daily reader of this site. This is a guy in Australia who reviews computer hardware, mostly, but he also has a few other hobbies, like remote controlled tanks and sparkler bombs... His writing style is hilarious, and he likes taking things apart to see what's in 'em. I used to do that, but my mom stopped letting me have pets.

peep Delta Airlines, beeyatch. It's an airline commercial, in ebonics, with the ebonics done by a white ad-guy. funny shit. It's in flash, so if you can't view flash.... well, if you honestly can't view flash, it's time to give up the ship. the internet holds no promise for you. Go read a book.

Well, that about clears it up. By the by, my last one was a rich chocolate brown, and kinda spongey. You know, those ones that are all sticky and take forever to clean up? Well, this was one of those.