Tuesday, October 08, 2002

What's a ute?

I've been playing a lot of Unreal Tournament 2003, since I recently built das uber computer, Pictured here. (and yes, the window makes it faster) I played the leaked playable alpha craptastic thing, and it pretty much sucked. Then i played the demo, and it was great, but y'know, I wanted more. So I bought it, and man, I'm impressed. Just like when the first Unreal Tournament came out, this game has awesome and diverse maps with great flow, great weapons, great music, and it's just all around great. And now it even has interesting characters. Mine's a demon, I think. He's a nasty fellow, always talking about eating souls and crushing the weak, but he's all spiky, and spiky means cool. uh, Anyway, go buy this game. It's like, great. I'd be a good game reviewer (This game is great! This game is crap!)

current music: Some system of a down. it was "Chop Suey!" while typing most of this, and now it's "know", off their first album.