PIRATIZE© Your Life!

Friday, February 21, 2003

Yeah, you know how a couple days ago I mentioned that I used illegal methods to obtain music for free, even though that music had not officially been put on sale yet?
I do that a lot. But I'm sorry. Truly. Except for metallica. Fuck those guys. I used to be a fan. I bought every album from the black album to the s&m thing they did with that orchestra. The black album was the first cd I ever owned. Now, I don't mean to hurt artists when I download music. I mostly use my downloads to see if i like the album, and I do buy a lot of cd's still. But metallica, on the other hand, won't be getting my money any time soon. They stopped being artists when they started trying to get their fans arrested for downloading their music. I'll never give them another cent. Oh, I'll still get their albums, mind you - I just won't pay any money for them. If I can't download the music, I'll fucking steal the cd. Fuck metallica.

current music: "130 steps" by Badmarsh & Shri, which is this cool sort-of electronica duo. I say sort-of because Shri is an instrumentalist, meaning he plays actual instruments, so the music ends up sounding very organic and natural, since it is for the most part. By the by, I really enjoy these people, and I never would have heard of them if I didn't see the "dancing drums" album in mp3 format on an ftp. So there.