Part the second

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

How to tell if you have an exceptionally large vocabulary, part the second:

If you use the dictionary as a spellchecker, you more than likely have not only an exceptionally large vocabulary, but superb spelling abilities as well. I mean, you kinda need to be able to spell pretty well to crack open a dictionary to check yourself.

In other news, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself, fool.

current music: well, "uviol" finished right after I made that last post (like 2 minutes ago), and since then, I've heard the original leadbelly version of "black betty", and now "duchess" from the video game alice is playing. the music in alice was done by chris vrenna, who is associated with nine inch nails. The music from alice is fairly disturbing. think victorian children's songs, if they were composed in a nightmare. the whole thing sounds like a music box forged in hell. Oh hey, now it's some band I've never heard of playing "(sic)" by slipknot - live, and poorly.