Fucking Marketing Scum

Monday, June 21, 2004

So, the Fucking Marketing Scum slithered out from under their rocks and decided that the world needs more ads. And they decided that the most ad-poor place - is your supermarket produce section. I've got bananas - with a sticker on them telling me to see Garfield, the movie. I am personally offended by this. This is worse than the FMS trying to get ads on a space shuttle, or tombstones - both of which have been attempted. Fucking Marketing Scum.

current music: It's "God Hates Us All" - another upbeat work from those model citizens, Slayer. The album was released on sep 11, 2001, which is when some bad thing happened, I can't remember what. something about Iraq crashing our planes or something. If you're into angry thrashy heavy music with an anti-religious bent, I highly recommend it. Otherwise, you'll probably hate it, and come to hate me for mentioning it - and I'll be fine with that, because I already hate you, fucker.

word of the moment: I couldn't find a suitable page with the definition, but this word of the moment is lagnonector. A lagnonector is a person who kills in order to have sex with the corpse. Fun fun. here's a page with a bunch of sex and pregnancy terms starting with the letter L, including lagnonector.