Honest Lies.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I lie.
I tell mistruths.
I lie all the time, for lots of reasons. Sometimes I'll lie to somebody just because it's funny to watch somebody try to process the total bullshit I just fed them.

I am a bullshit artist.
Sarcasm is my canvas and bullshit is my medium.

I don't lie to hurt people, or to make them feel better about themselves. I lie to freak people out. Nothing cranks my gears more than seeing smoke come out of someone's ears after I just told them I own a car that runs on dryer lint and deer antlers.

music of the moment: phish doing a live cover of pink floyd's "money", well.

word of the moment: baculum - and I wonder if that quantum leap guy knows his last name means dick bones? (note: he will always be that quantum leap guy to me, because I only watched enough of the first episode of enterprise to get my window open, so I could throw the tv thru it.)

link of the moment:stumbleupon. I consider this to be an indispensable browser tool. I've used it for years to get lots of my weirdass links.


Twilight Jones said...

Hello yourself. It never ceases to amaze me the depths to which people will sink in order to make a fast buck. I had to go to the site to find out exactly what the hell 'slippers old friend sheepskin' is - so I guess it's safe to say my site has very little to do with that. I also doubt very highly that someone with a slippers link farm would find my drivel in the least bit entertaining, or even coherent.