Monday, November 18, 2002

Bacon Burger Dog

Guh. I just had 2 bacon burger dogs. I will now die.


Ok, better now. A Bacon Burger Dog, or BBD - no, not BBD, because that makes me think of bel biv devoe... anyway, it's a hotdog, with cheese in it, wrapped in ground beef, then in bacon, then you grill it. sounds good, no?

current music: Some electronica from deep in the genre. stuff you've never heard. stuff by groups you've never heard of formed from *other* groups you've never heard of. Specifically, I'm getting a lot of stuff by Photek, and trying to get some stuff by Mu-ziq (it's the little U symbol that means "Mu" in the greek alphabet, but I don't know how to make it and don't feel like looking), and "Expert Knob Twiddlers" by Mike and Rich, which is Muziq and the Aphex Twin (Mike Parradinas and Richard D James). It's mostly IDM (Intelligent dance music). I seem to be listening to a lot of IDM these days.

stuck in my head: Well. I- I uh... It's just that - (sigh).... Well.... It's The Theme From Popeye. There, I've said it. I had the damn popeye song stuck in my head. I also have, for reasons unknown, "The Neutron Dance" by The Pointer Sisters. More 80's weirdness. Somebody kill me.