Saturday, November 09, 2002


Mr. Internal Jukebox has been on overdrive today. I'd like to explain something about my internal jukebox: For those of you who aren't cursed with one, an internal jukebox is your memory of every song you've ever heard. The mind, being a sick and perverse thing, pulls out songs you forgot about, with good reason, long ago, and plays them over and over. These songs aren't *always* songs you hate, or love, they seem to be pretty random, although mine can be triggered by various things. In any case, once a song gets going, it'll be with you for a while. There is no escape. Some people can avert it by listening to music. I am not so lucky. I need to hear the song itself, or sometimes I can wait it out. This is part of the reason why I started the "stuck in my head" thing. I also had a thought today - I can map out what my internal jukebox calls forth over time and see how it works. There has been a lot of 80's pop so far.
Let's get on with it:
stuck in my head:Ok, so these songs all sorta started swirling around in my head today, all at once. And now you can have them, I don't want them anymore. First up to bat is "Careless Whisper" by Wham! So, Wham! isn't exactly my idea of a good band, or a band at all, and this sickly lost love ballad is sappy, even for the band who did "wake me up before you go-go" But it's here, nonetheless.
Next up is "Jeremiah Peabody's Polyunsaturated Quick Dissolving Fast Acting Pleasant Tasting Green and Purple Pills" (gasps for air) by Ray Stevens I actually rather like this song, although the title is a tad much.
Winner of the "First Stuck In My Head Song I Didn't Have To Go Download, Since I Already Had It" Award goes to "Pick A Bale Of Cotton" by Leadbelly Although I'm not sure why I had it to begin with.
And somehow, *TWO* songs by Sade played in my head. First it was "Smooth Operator", Then that swapped out with "Sweetest Taboo" And I just abhor both songs, and Sade in general. As a side: I completely and totally refuse to pronounce Sade's name like she would have me. See, Sade wants people to pronounce it "Shar-day", and most of her fans do. I will never. If I became her greatest fan, and one day she came to my house offering me hot oily twisted kinky monkey love if only I would say "shar-day" once, I'd say, "No thanks, SADE"
I'll pronounce it Like the marquis du sade, I'll say "saa-day" or "sayd" (Like "say" with a d on it) but If she wants me to pronounce it "shar-day, She had better put an R in there somewhere. An H wouldn't hurt, either.