Friday, September 29, 2000

I saw a show on discovery about the Komodo dragon, and they mentioned that it has a "mouth full of putrefaction" while showing an ox dying from an infected bite wound. Sounds like me when I wake up. I had to switch to all-cotton pillows because I kept melting the polyester ones.

"No E-mail, only hot dog." -sony commercial.
"Psst! It's me - Death. I'll see you soon, OK? I know you can't hear me, but try to feel what I'm about to say, deep down in your soul - Don't eat the gazpachooo."
-Manny Calavera, "Grim Fandango"

So, Here is the first entry into my Blogger powered pseudo-journal. wait - meta-journal. no... um... "Journalesque Stream Of Thought." (Journalesque Stream Of Thought © 1972 eclipse studios) So, if this works, I shall have a place on my website which I can use to post random thoughts that wouldn't quite fit into anything else. I already have a section for this (core), but that is more for structured rants and such. At this point in time I would like to say "Eugene" 4 times: Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene. I would also like to state that Escargot is a really bad name for snails. They should be labeled "Snails" in bold print. just to let you know, so you don't order them while trying to show off for a date or something ("Ah kin reed fraynch, gimme one of them thar escargots"). The menu should say in large text just above the name of the dish: "NOTICE: There are snails in this dish. If you order it, you will be expected to eat multiple snails"