Maybe I'm broken.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I just found out that I've got Anisocoria. It's a condition where one of your pupils is larger than the other. By pupils I mean the ones in the eye, not the ones in a class. Just clearing that up. I also learned I have the Photic Sneeze Reflex. I always thought that if you had that feeling where you really really need to sneeze but can't - just look at a bright light, and you'd sneeze. A reflection on the road, headlights, the sun - whatever. it just sets me off and makes me sneeze. Apparently that's a genetic abnormality that like 25% of the population has.

So I'm a mutant.

And I reproduced.


Granted, they've got a small chance of inheriting my minor abnormalities that don't affect me in any way, but still.
I actually think the sneezing one is a boon. I mean, don't you really hate it when you have to sneeze but can't? So do I, only I can do something about it. Ha ha ha. Consider it my other superpower.