Thursday, February 15, 2001

Damnation, I need to proofread these things before I post.
Hey, it was valentine's day a while back. like I care. Valentine's day is one of those pure commercial holidays that has long since lost all of it's original meaning. Christmas has almost lost it, but there are still people who celebrate it for the reason it was intended. much like Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not a holiday where we give thanks to turkey farmers.
I wonder what the mexican guys from the line in the outlaw army scene in blazing saddles are doing now... "Adult diapers? We don't need no steeenking adult diapers!... well, yeah, probably we do."
Hey, why do beaches make otherwise unspeakable things OK to put on tv? Viagra commercials show a guy (Dole, usually) walking on a beach. Summer's eve: beach. Tampax: beach. If erectile disfunction/feminine hygeine are so icky, what makes you think somebody walking on a beach makes it less icky? the message is the same: "Here I am, walking on this beach and, thanks to Viagra, I can lay it to the old wife again."
"Thanks to tampax, I'm not attracting sharks up onto the sand and ruining my pants." Beaches and flowers. Walking thru a field of flowers is ok, too. and tennis. play lots of tennis and it's ok to talk about your malfunctioning peepee or your aunt flo.
This is the face of erectile disfunction: :-/