Tuesday, July 20, 2004

This is the funniest thing anyone has ever said in a movie. Ever. Nothing else to say, really.

Music Of The Moment: "Love to Hate" by Slayer. Fun guys, Slayer.
Word Of The Moment: Nothing. I couldn't think of anything. I think mostly because I'm tired and sick. And together we are: SICK&TIRED!

Gamey Goodness. Or Badness. Either One.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

So this post is about games. I know I have a lot of those, but I play a lot, so I feel justified.
This is something I've noticted in games - most all of them.  I hate how one shot to the head will kill somebody instantly - unless he knows you're shooting at him. Once alert, everybody gets some kind of internal kevlar helmet. They also get perfect night vision scopes once you've fired. If you fire one bullet into the back of some guy's head, everybody else - who was facing the other way, spins around and knows you've shifted over behind the car and adjust their "blind" aim to suit. They act like they can't see you, but when you move, so does the rain of bullets. And the bosses are "Just Tougher". I love those games, where the boss is just like anybody else, and there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to slay him with the same brutal effectiveness you dispatch everybody else with - but for some reason this guy can just take rockets to the forehead like nobody's business. I guess being evil or mean makes you more resistant to explosives and bullets and big fucking swords that cut everybody else clean the fuck in half. I can see the demon/giant spider/undead abomination/radioactive biomechanical mutant squirrel being hard to kill, but if the big boss is just this guy, and he's the mastermind behind all the evil, for some reason you can unload the ManKillerX4000 into his throat and he'll just run around the corner, or he'll whip out his Pistol That Hurts More Than Any Other Gun In The Game and fire away like you weren't putting 8 pounds of lead a second thru his larynx. And he's the most accurate shot in the world. He can be doing a flip thru an explosion and hit you, running behind a scaffolding 50 yards away, in the forehead, shooting from the hip, with a flintlock pistol, in a snowstorm. And he has an eyepatch.
Music Of The Moment: "crimson and clover" by Tommy James and The Shondells. Voted "best use of tremelo" for 1968.
Link Of The Moment: Turkish Delight
Word Of The Moment: Adjoining which isn't really an obscure or hard word - but it's just such a great one. I mean - just say it: Adjoining. Ad-Joy-Ning. Isn't that just fantastic to say?

They're coming...

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

You thought it was a joke and so you laughed - you laughed when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid, right?

You know you laughed, I heard you laugh. You laughed, you laughed and laughed and then you left but now you know I'm utterly mad!

current music: "phone calls from the dead" by meat beat manifesto. I don't like it that much. If I wasn't so lazy, I'd bring winamp up and find something worthwhile. Ok, now it's "lovesong" by the cure. Much better. And much better than that cheesy reggae version 311 dropped recently, like so many steaming piles of alpaca manure.

link of the moment: They're coming to take me away Ha-Haaa!

word of the moment: Alpaca It's my animal du jour, replacing ostriches, which replaced monkeys, which replaced dimetrodons. I occasionally choose some semi-random animal I can apply to funny situations and keep it for a while. I was all over monkeys until it got all popular. being a trendsetter is only cool until the trend is set. I was kinda getting bored with ostriches, and besides - alpacas are just so... obscure.

Spidey Senses Tingling!

Monday, July 12, 2004

Oh wait - that's just my ointment.

So I just watched spider-man 2. Well, I watched spiderman 2, but I'm still using the hyphen so fuck you. I had read that spider(hyphen)man 2 was a pretty good fucken movie, so I Piratized© it - and yes, Spider(hyphen)Man 2 is a really good fucken movie. Especially the part where venom kills Mary Jane. Oops. Spoiler alert. You shouldn't have read that part if you haven't seen the movie yet.
Since I'm on the subject of spoilers - You probably shouldn't go to Moviepooper.com if you haven't seen every movie ever made.

current music: "more human that human (meet bambi in the king's harem mix)" by white zombie. It's a badass remix of a badass song, which makes me also a badass.


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Links to the 1600X1200 versions of my new porn-based images:
Porn - Light is the first one I posted, with the whitewash over it.
Porn - Dark is, obviously, a darker version of the first one.
Porn - Orgy is the darker, redder version without the shadows and lines over the top.
Ass Orgy has nothing to do with porn, but the name fits with the scheme, and it's a good way to throw you off after all that skin.

The same image as before, without the shattered effect on it, and filtered to a darker, redder look. I'm using this one as my wallpaper.

Another image using porn as a source. This one less distorted, and no faces.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Here's that image I said I was working on - the one with all the porn. Click on it to get the 1600X1200 version. A quote from Spauldo: "Wow, that's like hell for pornstars."

Friday, July 02, 2004

Tried to get an 'old photo' look. Original can be found here