Again with the AI.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Goddamn stupidass no-sense-of-self-preservation having useless no-aim-having pissant totally-critical-to-forward-plot-movement lame fucking AI NPC's! FUCK 'EM ALL!
angry now. post now.
Ok, so I'm playing prince of persia: sands of time (motto: we didn't think there were enough games with colons in the title.), and I actually really like it. it looks good, has a good soundtrack, the play is fairly fluid- minus a little hassle from the camera, the battles are top drawer, the puzzles are clever and difficult- but not so difficult that you are constantly pulling your hair out and stomping around the room like a jackass. The part that made me stomp around the room like a jackass was Farah. Farah (yeah, like the slacks) is your teammate/love interest/smart-mouthed counterpart. She has 3 main talents: mouthing off, wriggling thru cracks obviously put there for her which let her get to a switch that you couldn't otherwise get to, and getting dead. The getting dead part is the part I'd rather she not be so good at. If she put some of that effort into learning an instrument, she'd be fucking Chopin. So in any case, here's the basic scenario: you get into a puzzle or something, and she finds a crack and vanishes, because she'd never make it thru this puzzle. You do your swinging around and wall-jumping whatnot, then you find the last door, and exit right into the waiting arms of Farah, and a bunch of these bad guy monster things. They move like, real slow, but they can fucking teleport for some reason, and they are all really good combatants, even the ones who used to be bakers and stable-boys. So you'll be off killing these guys, in a really fantastic battle, and one guy- a guy with a hammer with A HEAD THE SIZE OF A GODDAMNED SAAB positions himself right the fuck next to farah, who is armed with a bow, and proceeds to literally beat her to death, very slowly. The whole time, she's calling out for you to help her, but you kinda have problems of your own- problems with swords. But then you see she's about to die, and if she dies, it's just like if you die, so you have to save her. Oh yeah- those guys who are trying to kill you? They follow you. Then they are trying to kill you AND her. She pays no attention whatsoever to her attacker, instead focusing on the guys surrounding you, while she gets these gifts of massive blunt trauma, over and over again, from a guy she could drop before he got his hammer up. Fuck.

Music Of The Moment: "Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums" By A Perfect Circle. Very angry, very anti-war. Not a good song to listen to after stomping around like a jackass.

Word Of The Moment: Bastard- I was once kicked out of a chat room for saying the word bastard. Those bastards had this bot that was configured to kick anybody who cursed. I then proceeded to have a 30-minute conversation with the resident Op of the channel about just what made a word offensive. I mean, what if somebody wanted to have a serious, normal conversation about medievil weaponry, or 16th century cannons, or hell- maybe we want to talk about illegitimate children? I mean, just because somebody says a word like bastard doesn't mean they are calling you a bastard. fuckin' bastard.

You know, I just realized that a lot of those goddamned AOL "users" read that I was in a chat room, and went "whats a op", because people on aol can't spell, and don't have any punctuation on their keyboards. An Op is the Operator of a channel on IRC. The Op is the guy you bitch at if you get kicked out of the room for spurious reasons. And people in the IRC channels I frequent not only don't have user names like "snake888584"- they don't tolerate such people. If you can't come up with a creative enough name to avoid having a 5-digit character appended to it- stay offline. And just stay off AOL anyway.


Anonymous said...

There's a misspelling in your post... Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyahhhhhhh...