llama llama duck

Sunday, December 19, 2004

llama song

You should probably go borrow somebody else's brain before you see this, because this'll fuck it all up, and you really don't want to get your own brain bent out of shape.

I'm a wanderer.

Friday, December 17, 2004

You know, I've been reading thru some of my posts, and realized some of them may be a little hard to read. Not because they use fancy words or anything, but because of the way they are structured. You gotta realize that these things are almost all posted off the top of my head. I'll get an idea and go "hey, I need to post that" and go post, without any idea of what the content will be. As a result of the way my thoughts stream, and the way my brain works, some of these posts kinda wander around, and lots of them get confusing as I weave in and out of the subject. This is why I can end up talking about those ballpits in the chuck e cheese for 4 paragraphs, in the middle of a paragraph about wookiee hairstyles.

I'm a B-boy, standing in my B-boy stance, hurry up and gimme the microphone before I bust in my pants.

More than you ever wanted to know.


Ever wanted to know how to properly roast your coffee beans?
They've got that.

Ever wanted to know how to identify the various colors of roasts by sight?
They've got that, too.

Ever wanted to map your taste buds so you can properly evaluate the aroma and flavor profile of your coffee?

Ever wanted to know the complete lineage and history of coffee, complete with maps of growing regions?

Ever wanted to know how to make the absolute perfect cup of coffee, from the perfect green coffee beans to the perfect roast to the perfect grind to the perfect brew in the perfect coffeemaker?
You bet.

Ever wanted to know how to decaffeinate coffee?
But yes, they also have that.

I have 3 erections.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

So I'm playing Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth, and Half-Life 2. That's right- there's the spot... right there, baby.... oh yeah...
All three of those gamegasms are stunning. I've played the first few levels of the newest Prince of Persia game, and it just blows the original (which was a work of art with bad AI) away. Now you don't have to just run up a guy's chest and do a 2-hit combo on the way down. Now you can do like 18 different things after running up his chest. You can drop and behead him, you can drop and throw him, you can do a divebomb attack on him, you can flip out and away from the battle- you can run up his chest, flip out and away to the wall, then divebomb somebody else from the fucking wall! And you're being chased by the Dahaka, an unstoppable beast spawned from the swirling vortex of time itself, spawned specifically to hunt you down and kill you. When it chases you, you fear it. these tentacles lash out at you, and as it gets closer, the world starts going all sandy-grey, and if it gets close enough, it kinda sucks your essence dry and kills you dead.
Lord Of The Rings: The Battle For Middle Earth has a very long title. And it's a good game to boot. I about popped a woody when I watched the intro, which is basically the intro of the first LOTR movie- done in the game engine. This game is one of those role-playing RTS games, like warcraft 3, only with cooler orcs. And speaking of orcs, my horde of them overran those pussy Rohirrim in no time, with a bit of help from a couple mountain trolls and a certain fallen human king on a certain fellbeast.

And then there's Half-Life 2.
You know, I just don't know if they've made any words yet to describe how great HL2 is. I'll try: It's Fangoddamntacularstic. It's better than that. It's headcrabs and striders and that glorious gravity gun. I will never get tired of chucking filing cabinets at soldiers at a couple hundred mph. and that bugbait is the shiznit. I also like grabbing manhacks with the gravity gun, then flinging them at the soldier that just fucking launched them at me. And you go for like a half hour in that game before you even pick up a crowbar. Half an hour of intro, of walking around, of seeing the world without it shooting at you. It's Fangoddamntacularstic.
And GTA: San Andreas isn't even out for PC yet. Damn you sony, damn you to hell.

Music Of The Moment: Winamp is cruel. It's "neutron dance" by the pointer sisters, but only because the song before that, which I skipped past, was "pump up the jam" by technotronic. While your feet are stumpin, and the crowd is jumpin.

Link Of The Moment:World Against Toys Causing Harm. I always liked tossing my 12-pound steel Tonka truck off the second story landing of the stairs, at family members standing at the foot of the stairs.


Thursday, December 09, 2004

"Dimebag" Darrell Abbott was shot dead December 8th, 2004, at an Ohio club. Dimebag was the guitarist for Pantera, and then damageplan.
I'm... out of words.
Mtv.com story

current music: Pantera, and I expect it to stay that way for a while.