Foolish jedi...

Saturday, February 19, 2005

So, let's say you are confronted by a Jedi Knight- arguably one of the best warriors of all time and space. These guys are feared by evil, which you just happen to be.
This guy gently strokes the handle of his lightsaber as he tries the good old jedi mind trick on you, attempting to make you think or do something you normally wouldn't do.
Now you- you're lucky. You are a member of a race of beings who are immune to mind tricks, or you've got some sort of special training which lets you overcome them.
What is your course of action? Do you:

  • scream and run away like a little girl?

  • pretend it worked on you so you can get the upper hand?

  • draw your weapon and hope for the best?

  • immediately say "Jedi mind tricks don't work on me because (reason)!"

Well, according to George Lucas, the answer is always the last one, always.
jabba, that one flying penis bug thing , and now at least 2 characters in the video game i've been playing- Knights of the old republic 2: the sith lords. All of them- right away- went "Hey! That's a jedi mind trick! HAHAHAHAHAHA those don't work on me, silly jedi! I am teh smart!" Whatever. I read that The Darth is only gonna show up for like 5 minutes at the end of this movie, leaving The Lucas plenty of time to fill the rest of the movie with jar jar and amazing special effects.

music of the moment: "boogie chillun" by john lee hooker. And then "speed" by atari teenage riot. next it'll probably be some fucking polka or something.
word of the moment: it just blows my mind to see that. I mean really.
In other news:
You Know You Are a Star Wars Geek When: You use the term "carbon scoring" without any other justification in normal, non-star wars conversation. I did this yesterday, talking about this credit card I saw that had been on fire, with the carbon scoring and the meltiness.

Aye Aye, Cap'n

Thursday, February 03, 2005

i have a problem with using capital letters at the beginning of sentences and in proper nounS. and you can go fuck yourselF. at least i usually use periodS

I'm so angst-y

So I was thinking of becoming a Goth Loser.
I'd change my name to foxglove, strife, or odium- or maybe something *really* gothy, like... crimson skye wolfesbane nihilist.
I'd have to buy a lot more black velvet, black lace, and black vinyl.
Of course, one can't be a real goth without having an unnatural fixation on bands from england that suck.
You also need to write shitty poetry equating death with the wilting of flowers or something equally drab and overdone, like talking about how black your soul is or using a euphemism like "lightless abyss" to talk about your life, or your hair.
Also, I'm going to have to dye my hair black. black as night, black as coal. You can't be gothy without black hair. Ok, maybe pink.
I'm going to have a hard time trying to be pathetic all the time. This seems to be a main goal among the goth population, looking depressed all the time, like somebody just ate your puppy- all the while looking like you really just despise everybody you see.
Oh, and never ever ever ever call youself a goth. Except for all the time. I'm going to have to master that particular art, the constantly referencing my lifestyle- coupled with constantly denying that I constantly reference my lifestyle. It's like gay people who wear feather boas all the time, speak with a lisp, say FABULOUS! a lot, and can't seem to shut up about all the gay sex they have all the time because they're gay and they really wanted everybody in the immediate vicinity to know that they were indeed gay in case there was any doubt- who then complain about people persecuting them because of their lifestyle. Hey, I'm straight, and I don't constantly talk about hittin' the poon. There is a place called restraint. I suggest you visit it once in a while. They have good cheese fries.

music of the moment: "one nation" by soulfly. they aren't from england. they are from brazil. well, max is- I don't know about the rest of them. But they rock hard, and this song is about racism not being cool. Ok, after that is "hot hot hot" by ll cool j, who is from queens, new york. This song is about... constantly hittin' the poon.

link of the moment: goth, the definition of which uses the word lugubrious, which sounds dirty, but isn't.

As a side note: Turn safe search ON before searching for the word "gay" in google's image search. Just a pointer.