Friday, September 14, 2007

So, Rebecca has a prescription for Clindamycin, and I was looking at the wikipedia entry for it and discovered that it can lead to a condition called


I just don't know what else to say. Never in my life have I heard a more dire sounding name for a medical condition. I just can't fathom how much it much suck to not only have a megacolon, but a toxic one at that. I also think it would be a great name for a band.

While I'm on the subject: I can think of a medical condition with a name so horribly humiliating that no person afflicted with it will ever repeat the name of their condition in public. A condition that somebody really ought to come up with a proper medical-sounding name for. It's called micropenis. I don't know if I would include something like that on my medical history, y'know? That's like having Shitonyourselfitis or Dangling Nipple or Severe Chronic Crotch Odor or Hooker's Knee or Pusface or something. Shouldn't they call it Phallodwarfism or Diminutive Reproductive System Disorder or something suitably Doctor-y?
They have a name for my disorder, too. It's called Jumbocock. I have to get my pants altered.


Anonymous said...

dont forget pneumonoultramicroscopicsylovolcanioconiosis.

Twilight Jones said...

That's pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, and I'd wear that like a badge. "Do you have any history of respiratory diseases?" "Why yes, I've had PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS!"

Anonymous said...

or you could actually make a badge, however it would have to loop all the way around your torso and would look like you were wearing a brass hula hoop. You could also do a hyponotic spiral kind of thing with it, then mount it on a tiny turntable and dominate the weak. By the way tiny turntable would also make a great name for a band. or a child.

Twilight Jones said...

Yeah. "Tiny Turntable and Dangling Nipple" if they're boys, and "Hooker's Knee and Hypnotic Spiral" If they're girls.

And "Pat and Chris" if they're neither.

Anonymous said...

How about the description on this one I think they had me at "profuse, foul-smelling purulent frothy discharge".