
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wow. I just realized that my last two posts were about replacing the word 'love' with the word 'fuck' in songs, and how much I loved the Veggietales show (called "God made you special") at a church. Man, I'm not very well adjusted.

And now, resurrecting an old feature..... IT'S RANDOM LINK TIME!!!!!!!1111!!!ONE!!!

failblog is essentially a picture blog chronicling the horrible failures of human stupidity. If you spell your sign wrong in a funny way, or if you design a product that accidentally looks like a penis, or if you do something else incredibly stupid and somebody takes a picture of it - it could wind up here.

I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? You already know what this is. Look at them until you overload on stupid/cute and never return.


So, becoming a parent changes things. It makes some fundamental changes in the way you think and act. Case in point: About 5-6 years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to Veggietales. Mostly he fast forwarded to the silly songs and we all laughed, and a good time was had by all. Since then I have become a parent. We took the kids to Veggietales Live!, which is, in essence, a bunch of people in gigantic anthropomorphic vegetable costumes bouncing around the stage to prerecorded songs for an hour. Old Me would be horrified and maybe a bit disgusted by my behavior. At one point, I had Evan in a Snugli, and I was bouncing, and I realized he had been asleep for some time, and I was bouncing not for his benefit, but because I was having fun. Not just laughing at the funny kids stuff, but like actually truly enjoying myself. At Veggietales Live. Me. Less than 5 years ago I had skulls - like actual animal skulls I had actually gathered myself - hanging on my wall. Now I'm bouncing in my seat while Mr. Lunt sings about a cheeseburger. That is what becoming a parent does to you. Not that I'm complaining.

ALSO! They had this contest where you filled out a card and they drew names and I won the WHOLE ENTIRE VEGGIETALES CATALOG! It's like 35 DVDs and they're gonna mail it to me and I was WAAAAAAAY more excited than Joshua, the 8-year-old who is smack in the target audience for this stuff. The first time I've ever won anything worth more than a couple bucks and it's $500 worth of Veggietales DVDs.