Wednesday, May 23, 2001

Be Afraid, Be very Afraid.

I just read on IBM's website that 2% of the world is online.... 2 percent. Yeah, I'm scared too. 2% of the people in the world have turned a noble and just venture into this orgy of stupidity and bad spelling, this world wide web. I wonder when AOL will decide to tap into the vast resource of people too stupid to get online by themselves. They'll start shipping specially equipped computers to Arkansas and Texas that will boot straight into AOLOS, and then automatically connect to the internet, then we can all rejoice because another 5% of the lowest common denominator has been added to the list of idiots with "screen names" like "johnsmith846723" who can barely speak, much less type. But they won't have to type, thanks to the redneck voice recognition software installed on these systems. So when johnsmith846723 says "gimme that thar chat winder again", the system will automatically bring up every chat system known to man, connect him to every channel and room, and send these words to everyone on the net: "WCW kicks ass, it's way beter than that WWF garbage. all them WWF peeple are fake wrasslin"