Monday, July 15, 2002


So, Threebrain added some new 'rock videos' to their list of weird shit. they are the freaks behind the whole WHEEEEE!!! video. well, now they have a video that apple nipple monkey has this one apple nipple monkey line in the apple nipple monkey chorus that apple nipple monkey kinda gets into your apple nipple monkey brain and makes you all apple nipple monkey freaked out. I'll leave you to discover what apple nipple monkey line in the apple nipple monkey chorus I'm apple nipple monkey talking about.
They also have their own take on the A-B-C thing, as in 'A is for AHHH!!!', which they present as a kid's video, because the other video has some apple nipple monkey cursewords in it. go lookee. And while you're there, spend the rest of your mortal life going thru the daily archives. I'll list a couple of my personal favorites here:
Ode to butter.
Stop it, kitty.
Valentine's day song, with hunger-induced psychosis.

Friday, July 12, 2002

Freaky link

Like, Yikes.
I don't know what the hell is going on there. I'm really weirded out.
I bought a bed, tho... Turns out I don't have a queen. I have a full. So I go to the bed store, buy a full size mattress, get it home, realize it's the same size as my old bed, smack my forehead and say DOH! real loud, then go back to the mattress store and trade it in for a twin. then I go to walmart and use the difference to buy a sheet set and a new pillow. One thing: Bedclothes for twin beds are fucking cheap. I spent like 15 bucks on a sheet set and a pillow. the same stuff for a queen size would be 25-30... I'm starting to like this little bed. I don't have a box spring, tho, so I'll have to get that, and a frame, with my next paycheck.

Saturday, July 06, 2002

Quck "before work" edition

So I went out and bought that sixer of honey weiss, and I also got a bottle of benedictine, because that was the first place I saw that carried it. benedictine is a sweet french herbal liqueuer, made from - well, that's just it - the recipe is secret. but it's pretty good. I only had a sip, because I have to be at work in like 20 minutes and this stuff is 80 proof, but I did have me a honey weiss... I also plan on buying a new bed when I get a day off. The queen size I sleep on now, well, I've slept on it for upwards of 7 years now, and my mom gave it to me when she bought a new one anyway, so it's getting kinda old and wore out. plus it's huge. I wanna go out and buy me a full, mostly because my roomates have a full size box spring I can use.

Well, with benedictine, that narrows my "liquor I gotta try" list down to advocat (dutch egg and cream liqueuer), aquavit (danish vodka flavored with carroway), and absinthe. well, not absinthe because it's illegal here, but maybe absente or something designed to taste like absinthe without having wormwood in it. In any case, I gotta go. Outtie like a belly button, G.

Drugs are good, mmkay?

So Here's something. It's a page on the white house site that shows the different slang terms for drugs. Hilarious. Even funnier, The boys at Brunching shuttlecocks have made This page, which translatestext on a webpage to 'drug slang'. given the fairly large database, this makes for a lot of laughs.

On another note: Go here, enter your (over 21) age, go to the "taproom" area, click on "honey weiss", and you'll be face to face with my new best friend. Leinenkugel's Honey Weiss is the most amazing beer. light and refreshing without tasting like all the other crap american beers. and it is a bit sweet, but just a bit. I found this at a local liquor store, bought a bottle just because honey in beer sounded cool, and I'm gonna go buy me a 6 pack tomorrow morning. Of course, I still like stout, and This one is my favorite so far. Uh.. I don't have anything else to say, so like, bye.

Monday, July 01, 2002

Now THIS is irritating.

See, I work a lot, and I planned to use my two days off to go out and take me some pictures. I had it all planned out: I had gatorade and water so I didn't dehydrate in the hot sun, I had my batteries charged up, I got my cam back from sar, along with his mutated telescope tripod, I was *ready*. and I wake up today - and it's raining. Even if it quits raining, it'll be all muddy out there, and it's going to be overcast all day, which will make all my pics look sad and crappy. Whee.
In other news: Check this out. They don't sell a weather machine, tho, so screw 'em.