My New Closet

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

I moved. I was living at Spauldo's place, in the basement. The basement was bliss. I loved the basement. Alas, Spauldo moved back to that black hole of a state, Oklahoma. So I moved. I moved to wanker's place, which is an efficiency. An efficiency is like, one room, generally L shaped. The kitchen is on one side of the L, and the rest of the place in in the other part, with the bathroom finishing out the square. It's tiny. Tiny like there is no place in the whole apartment where you could play darts without somebody saying you were cheating and standing too close. It's me, Wanker, Tara, and Wankers 4 year old son, Dyllan. Tight quarters, but it's all I could do until I get a full time job and can afford to get my own closet. Wanker is super cool for letting me crash here, tho. He saved me from having to go back to (shudder) Oklahoma.