Security Shoes

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

So I have a new job, kinda. I work 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. Cleaning floors at a discount store place. Feh. I dustmop half the store while somebody else does the other half. Then one of us grabs the big battery-powered self propelled floor scrubber, and the other one follows him with the propane-powered noisy ass buffer. Oh, and somebody vacuums the shoe area. Feh, indeed. This brings me to the topic. The first day I was there, I heard 'security shoes' come over the PA system 12 times. 12 times in 3 hours. As if the Worst Hits Of The 80's radio station they play wasn't bad enough. Feh.

current music: Nothing. I mention this because I only brought my computer over to this new place to help wanker get his cable modem working, and I have no speakers.