I just realized something

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I am God here. I rule completely and totally. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I rock. That's really a powertrip, being omnipotent. Holding domain over something. I hold this whole world in my hands. Somebody kneel.

word of the moment: frottage. Frottage is getting your jollies by rubbing up against people who don't know you are getting your jollies rubbing up against people. Think about that the next time you get on a bus...


Saturday, September 11, 2004

Happy Patriot Day! The day when we all celebrate the glad tidings of the felling of two of the largest structures ever erected, killing thousands in the process. Wait a minute... that's a bad thing.
Why would you make a holiday for something so terrible? And what kind of card do you buy for that? It's not a real holiday, anyway. It isn't a real holiday until I get paid more for working on it.

Link Of The Moment: I'll have extra cheese on mine, please. That site is sad, and not the crying kind of sad. It's a touching tribute to the memory of those who died on that terrible day - featuring pictures of the plane hitting the tower. Remembrance of those lost is best not spurred by images of the actual tragedy that took their lives. Kinda like how the primary symbol of christianity is the very object jesus was nailed to, and the object on which he suffered terribly, endured pain beyond what most people will ever know, and died. I think christianity oughta have something a little less tragic to base the religion around. In that vein: I watched parts of The Movie Of The Passion Of The Christ, which I downloaded off The Internet. That's a really really violent movie. Bloody and nasty and just painful. They emphasize the suffering and the horrible pain Jesus endured. The last half of the movie is Jesus getting a red-assed beatdown from the Romans, and the first half is the jews saying "Somebody oughta give that Jesus guy a red-assed beatdown." - only in aramaic, because nobody speaks english in that movie. Not a movie to take kids to, especially if you want them to grow up to still be christians.

Music Of The Moment: "311 Sucks!" by Anal Cunt. They parody some crappy song by 311, mumbling the lyrics, and then at some point the singer screams "YOU FUCKIN SUCK!" at the top of his lungs. Quality.

When Good Targetted Ads Go Bad!

Saturday, September 04, 2004

I (currently as of this post) host my blog on aloof hosting (they "indifferently" host my site. I like that). Aloof hosting uses google text ads on pages. I like google text ads. They are orders of magnitude less annoying and intrusive than most other types of ad, and they are targetted, so they do occasionally display something at least partially relevant. But not here. A few posts back I dissed on volkswagen for their misnomer on wheels, the phaeton. I happen to like the fine folks at VW, and I think they make (and used to make) a lot of fine vehicles. They just need to fire whoever has been doing the naming. Since that post, google has decided that I run a phaeton fansite, or something. every time I view the page, I see text ads related to the damned phaeton. I was being mean to the phaeton. I don't like them. This is a bad bad page to advertise the phaeton. At least I haven't seen any ads for britney spears, who is a slutty bitch with no talent, and who I hope dies in some horrible fashion - like being being beheaded (very slowly) by a glacier. I'm actually fairly indifferent to the whole britney thing. I mean - she sucks and everything, and I'd probably hate her truly and deeply if I actually knew her, but other than that - she's just another set of tits singing songs she didn't write. She's paparazzi fodder.

Music Of The Moment: "sum of your achievements" by nailbomb. Nailbomb was a one-album side project of Max Cavalera from Sepultura, and later Soulfly. and, uh, The guy from Fudge Tunnel. What the hell kind of a band name is "fudge tunnel", anyway? That's just wrong.

Word Of The Moment: Annelid I was messing with an anagram generator, and discovered one of the many anagrams you can make from my full name is "asinine annelid", and I like that. You can also make "denials annie in". I don't know what to think of that one. sounds almost.... prude
You can also do, weirdly, "ideal insane inn". Cool. I'd sleep there.

By The Way, If you can guess my full real name from those anagrams, I'll give you a cookie.
My full real name is not Twilight Jones. Yes I really do have that many "I"s and "N"s in my name.

Things I Hate - Volume 445

Friday, September 03, 2004

Easily one of the most idiotic things microsoft has ever intentionally done: You can't drag anything onto a folder or app's taskbar button - and windows will tell you such when you let go of the button. It tells you, essentially, to wait a second so the window pops up, and you can do it that way. So you can't drag an item onto the taskbar, unless you wait 2 seconds, then you can drag it into the window that pops up. Completely without worth, and completely stupid. It wastes time and adds steps. There are no positives, other than the fact that you can't accidentally blind-drag to the wrong window, but anyone above troglodyte iq can fix that - by dragging it back out.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

Here's what I'm listening to:
I got this hair up my ass to download a big fuckload of gabber mp3s. What's gabber? Ok - you know how when somebody who doesn't like electronic music makes fun of it? Well, when they say "You can't tell the difference between the songs, and there isn't any variance within the songs.", and then they say the beat always sounds like "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM" - they're exactly describing gabber. Actually, they way I said people describe the songs isn't accurate. generally people say "the songs are all stupid and boring", but I didn't say that because I can make that exact claim about country music. Pretty much all gabber is the same tempo, and it all has a dominating 4/4 beat, and it all uses the same one or two samples looped over and over again throughout the entire song, and they all have almost no variance at all, except sometimes during the end when it slows down a bit, or the pitch of something changes. It's the music of raves, of 15-year-olds with blue hair and multiple facial piercings who are constantly under the effects of some party drug and who either are, or want to be "emancipated" because they hate their parents soooo much. And I've got 130 of these in my winamp queue.