
Saturday, January 29, 2005

So this post is mostly all about napes.
I was discussing star wars episode III (attack of the suck) with a friend of mine, and mentioned that somebody should check the nape of George Lucas's neck for the body snatcher, and then I got off on this thing about napes, because I really like that word. Apparently, the only thing called a nape is the back of your neck. It's the part covering your occipital bone. I also like occipital, as a word. And quoit, and notwithstanding.
But I digress.
I think they should use nape as a drop-in replacement for pelt, so I could say "I got a coin purse made from a monkey nape. A big monkey, 'cuz I be paid."
you can also do up your hair in a style called a nape knot. That nape knot link shows further proof that hairstylists for some reason tend to have really shitty hair. That dude looks like kenny g, for god's sake. and half the 'celebrity' hairstylists are bald, or have a bleached-out buzzcut or something. I don't get it.

word of the moment: arsenic, just because.

music of the moment: "hem of your garment" by cake.