This, That, and some other Things.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

I got a new toy.
This toy, specifically.
I got the 256 meg version, which is a bit anemic for my mp3 collection, which is visible from the moon. Tribes in South America revere and worship my mp3 collection as a god, a terrible god of cacophony and discord, a god who speaks every word in every language all at once, and when he speaks- the earth trembles. In any case, let's say my mp3 collection is substantial. So a 256 meg player, while teeny by comparison, lets me put 40 or so songs on it, but that kinda works out, because it encourages me to change the files often (which is remarkably easy, thanks to the unit showing up as a removable drive when you plug it into usb). it also has a (lousy) fm tuner, and the ability to record both (lofi) voice and (less lofi) radio. Also the thing is frigging tiny. I tossed it into a shirt pocket to record environmental noise when I went to buy a cappucino from a gas station. (which, I'd like to go on the record as saying that gas station cappucino tastes just great.)
But enough about the player, let's talk about the high quality earbuds it came with. Don't get me wrong, they sound tinny and distant, as all earbuds should, but I don't care about that. I care about the fact that they make my ears hurt- bad. 15 minutes of wearing these things and my ears hurt. I want to to drastic things to make the pain stop. So I've taken to carrying around my main headphones to listen to it. My main headphones are so large that the player fell off my desk once, and I didn't notice. So my solution is to buy something like these. The biggest problem with those, however, is that they cost over 200 bucks, and then you have to buy some kind of amp, unless you get the hi-gain version for portable players. I assume these would be more comfortable, given that they sit inside the actual ear canal and seal with foam, rather than jamming into the ear and sealing via distending the surrounding tissue to fit.
In other news, I've noted that I have this odd tendency to quote rap lyrics in my posts. I've not figured out why yet.

word of the moment: bifurcated, since I was on about medical terms last post, I figured I'd go with something else overly complicated; namely this word, which means that something has split into 2 parts.

music of the moment: "forty six & 2" by tool. 46 and 2 is the christ consciousness grid. Basically, a bunch of idiots have this theory about evolution (described here) and tool wrote a song about it.

Like a pimp I'm pimpin'. Got a boat to eat shrimp in. Nothing wrong with my leg- I'm just B-boy limpin'.