we're all doomed

Monday, October 31, 2005

See, I don't have a TV and I don't go to Yahoo, so I tend to miss out on movie promos. So the other day, when I saw something about the new Doom movie, I was psyched. I played all the dooms, all the way back to the shareware version of doom 1, so naturally the thought of a movie seemed kinda cool. It's not cool. It's a goddamned travesty is what it is. I haven't seen it, nor will I ever see it. If somebody tries to force me to watch it, I'll throw the TV out a window. If I can't remove the movie, I'll gouge out my eyes, put my fingers in my ears and scream LALALALALALALALA for 2 hours. They took the basic concept of doom, killing demons, and somehow managed to make the worst action movie of all time. This movie will make people die from suckiness exposure. It will send a shockwave of sucky thru all space and time and make everything everywhere everywhen suck a little more. Here's why: It has a guy in a wheelchair. A movie about space marines killing demons has a guy in a wheelchair. a space wheelchair that's cgi'd to his torso, but a wheelchair nonetheless. Guy in a Wheelchair is the dead canary in the action genre coal mine. You have a bunch of intrepid racially balanced people killing whatever, and there's this one plucky eccentric in a wheelchair who somehow manages to not get eaten by the thing that ate 4 guys with huge guns and combat training. If your action movie has a guy in a wheelchair, your action movie sucks. Doom also stars The Rock, who is a better actor than an actual rock, usually. It has The Now, in the form of a story change. In all the doom games, there was a reserch station working on dimensional portals to speed travel. they somehow manage to open a portal to hell and demons come out, killing everybody but you, the player. In the movie, they just mapped out the last 10% of the human genome, at some point in TEH FUTURR! on a research station in TEH SPAYCE! and TEH MONSTARRS! happen. Doom is a movie about a dynamic and racially balanced group of people with fancy hi tech stuff in space in the future. I'm sure there's a big "I'll kill anything, grr." guy, a green cadet who did really well in the simulator, a guy who's a scientist or civilian and hates guns, a wirehead who can fix hack or unlock anything, and a woman wearing a dirty tank top and no bra. Oh yeah, and a kid. A little girl who starts off real scared of the monsters and ends up sticking her tongue out at one after it gets killed. Doom is a movie based on a video game, which is a strike against. Doom is a movie with a guy in a wheelchair, which we already discussed. Doom is a movie starring the rock, which, I'm sorry, just kills it. Doom is going to suck. Mark my words. The Doom movie will suck hard, and die fast - just like a Filipino hooker.

You may have noticed

Friday, October 28, 2005

You may have noticed that a lot of my older posts have dead links.

Some of those links, the page just died. some of them (especially the pictures I used to post) were hosted on my free web server which went under just before I went offline. At some point I plan on putting those images back up, but I'll likely never try to track down the old dead links. The web is a dynamic place, and statically linking to points within it is at best a risky endeavour.

I don't get it...

Oh, I see, when the dog tries to fuck the cat - it's cute.
*I* try it - it's bestiality.

What a world we live in.

I'm baaaa-aaack.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm back online.
yay me!
it took, uh *cough* a bit longer than expected, but here I am.
yeah, so, Hi.

Hmm, probably should have done that with a bit more panache. Naw.

music of the moment: "Pork Soda" by Primus. Maybe it's something similar, you know, like your team lost or your girlfriend used to be a guy... I don't know - it's not like I went to college or anything. I've been listening to unhealthy amount of primus lately. Too much primus makes one odd. er. odd-er.

word of the moment: Hiatus, for obvious reasons. I like that quote in the definition. Now, I am a linguaphile, so you also get flense, adulation, primus and emigre. I define Linguaphile as: Someone who really really enjoys telling you what a linguaphile is. Or: Someone who reads a dictionary without wanting to look up a word. I collect dictionaries...