Monday, March 05, 2001

I was thinking of naming my blog Gordon or something. I could be like 'Gordon Blog, meet Twilight Jones. Twilight will be making the blood vessels in people's heads explode - with your help.'

Warning: This Page contains both secure and insecure elements - do you give a shit? An error has occured in line 9842, char 746 - do you want to run a debugger that will further break the page? Notice: there is a syntax error on line 14, char 27. expected 'proper syntax', got 'improper syntax'. Peligro: one error was found on this page. Microsoft Internet Explorer will now reformat the page to contain more, and possibly cause a slew of those ugly 16 bit errors when it pukes, taking your shell down with it, since your shell and Microsoft Internet Expoder are one and the same. Also note that you will probably have to reset your system, since only explorer holds the secret to correctly shutting down. GDI.exe, msgsrv32, and rundll will likely fall over as well, causing what we at Microsoft call 'the domino effect', or 'up-shit-creek-sans-paddle mode', wherein you will see many variations of the ever-popular blue screen of death and disfigurement, which will be hiding self-propagating error messages, which of course, will end up crashing some module or kicking your physical memory in just the right spot so as to cause Microsoft Windows to spew forth more blue screens of rape and pillaging. Caution: since Microsoft Internet Exploiter and Explorer.exe are linked at the hip, any further crashes in any program will likely cause Microsoft Internet Extorter to die a violent death and killing half of your programs as it thrashes towards the land of memory leakage, which of course will either crash the shell or cause enough crappage to force you to reboot, because we on the Windows team think rebooting is the right thing to do, regardless of what you think. Go Ahead and reboot now and get it over with? (Yes) (OK) Alert: Microsoft Windows will probably go ahead and reboot into safe mode, or maybe just reboot again, just to be extra safe.