Monday, March 05, 2001

Lately, two questions have been racing thru my head:
'Why do I feel the need to set my head on fire at family reunions?' and
'Did I build that hedge maze out front just to piss off the mailman?'
No answers seem to be in sight. At least I've got my sanity. And my army of lawn gnomes. Oh, and those neato pieces of that guy's fence that look just like the top of a cherry pie. I wonder why he won't let me mow his yard anymore?
They say idle hands do the devil's work. what about hands holding a bloody chainsaw in a nursing home? what kind of work are they doing?
Hey, If I got shot 30,000 times, would I be a tragedy? I mean, when one person dies, the news doesn't seem to care as much as when somebody kills off a whole big group of people. So if I was to get kshot enough times to kill a whole herd of people, would I qualify as a tragedy? What if I made up a new religion right before I got killed? would I be a martyr then? I think it would be neat to be a martyr, it's just that I don't really like the idea of having to be dead first - I couldn't enjoy it if I was dead.