Friday, July 06, 2001

Why Can't Johnny Read?

I think I spilled my brains out a month ago, 'cuz I haven't had the inspiration to post here. Right now I'm flying by the seat of my pants, and the seat of my pants has worn thin from all the sitting on this chair in front of this computer missing this life. Maybe I should become a dominatrix... hold on, I think you have to be a woman to do that. What is a male dom called? Dominator. Yeah... I AM THE DOMINATOR!!! I like it. It has a real "I am the Dominator" ring to it. Anyway, I was thinking I might become a Dominator so I could not post for a month and blame on all the worthless scum who read this thing. Something like "I didn't post for a month because I didn't feel like it. Deal, scum." Naw. I'm not a born leader, which is weird, since I'm a leo and I'm supposed to be a leader. Fuck it, here's some links:

National Geographic has a page all about Coffee (All hail Coffee). Coffee (Coffee be praised) is my god. I worship the holy triumverate: Coffee (Coffee bless me), Juan Valdez, and a blurry, vibrating frog (what? it's not as strange as the stuff in the bible.)Go read the page, and leave an offering of non-dairy creamer or sugar by your Coffee Maker.

Galileo is flipping you off. Galileo's body got moved at some point in the past, and when it was, somebody yanked the middle finger out of his right hand. I can only assume they had a really bad booger and didn't want to be caught with their own finger up their nose. Oddly Enough, this site is on NASA's webpage...

AdCritic In case you don't know about it yet, AdCritic is a site that puts all the best commercials on the web. I watch the superbowl for the commercials, I have no interest whatsoever in all the football playing that surrounds them.