Did you ever notice how there is just about *always* some major holiday around the corner? Not actually physically around an actual physical corner, mind you, but around an intangible corner, a few weeks away. I mean it was easter, now it's mother's day, then it'll be, shit, I don't know, yom kippur or some shit. I don't actually know when yom kippur is. But what I'm saying is that I think the marketing scum that rule the earth and keep us all under their greasy scaly thumbs have decided that certain holidays are more important so as to keep that "seasonal" isle full of the same overpriced garbage that the same people buy every year. I'm really disenchanted with the commercalization of the holidays. Easter has lost all it's original meaning to most people. Easter and christmas are deeply rooted in christianity, yet they center around a fucking rabbit and santa claus, rather than like, I don't know, jesus... I'm by no means a religious person, but I think that if you build a holiday around the death and subsequent ascension into heaven of the central figure of your religion, and 2000 years later people celebrate it by eating chocolate bunnies and buying lots of green fakey grass - something has gone wrong with your holiday.
On another note, I've decided, only just now, to implement a new feature in this ever-increasingly bloated journal type thing of mine: the word of the moment.anytime I post, I'll come up with some random word I like and make that the word of the day, and link to it on dictionary.com or something. Let's start things off at the bottom and work our way up.
word of the moment: Nadir. Nadir means the lowest point, it's exactly the opposite of zenith, and it's what I'd name my electronics company. And it sounds like a presidential candidate.
current music: "drone" by autechre. It'd from their "peel session" album. I like it. so there.
Has anyone else noticed?
Spewed forth by Twilight Jones at 4/26/2003 03:05:00 AM 0 comments
I'm angry. pissed, even. I got this game, x2: wolverine's revenge. I saw it and went "hey, a game where you get to bust some heads as wolverine - cool!" and I got it. Now I hate it. I hate it mostly because of the fact that if you don't do something right, you fail and have to start the level over. I was in this underground base thing, turned on an elevator, and a whole fat gang of bad guys came in. well, I was in poor health, and I figured I'd just run thru them and straight into the elevator. And No. see, if you do that, you get treated a cutscene where this one guy, who you could turn into a sloppy joe in a coat, waltzez in and takes 5 seconds to shoot out a control panel. Game over. restart the level. Seems you *must* fight all these assholes before you go thru the door, because if the door opens before you shred everybody, you lose. So I exited. and I likely won't go back, because idiotic script setups like that irritate me to no end. anyway, Yeah, I'm done.
current music: "slaughtered" by Pantera. Panfuckingtera, for when you are *really* pissed.
Spewed forth by Twilight Jones at 4/25/2003 07:32:00 PM 0 comments
what in the name of...
Ok, so These People are goddamned weird. It's a circus, like a real travelling circus, and about half of them are a band. The band plays, well, circus music. Only not. It's kinda hard to describe, I mean, they play classic circus music, but with these bizarre lyrics and stuff, and I just don't know what else to say except go there.
Spewed forth by Twilight Jones at 4/16/2003 04:44:00 AM 0 comments
Maybe Tesla Does The Astro.
Ok, so a few things.
One, I have been jobless since I moved up to the great state of illinois (best way to mispronounce it: "illinwah", like it was a french word), and I might be getting me a job stocking at the local wal-place, but they won't start interviewing for 2 weeks, and I kinda sorta really am entirely desperate to get a job right the fuck right now, if not sooner. So a friend of mine (Wanker) calls up and says "you want a job?" and yeah, I kinda do, as stated. So I'll probably start doing this other job in the next couple days. I'll be on a floor crew at a store. I'll be one of the guys working the various brooms and machinery at the store at 3 am. I used to be the other people in the store - the ones wandering around looking like some kind of seedy zombie who might shoplift or eat your brains if you blink. That job is only part time, tho. 3 hours a day, 5 days a week. feh. Work is money, and money is good money.
Another thing - I played red faction 2. it's really really really short. Like short. Like I feel like I played a fucking demo. Seriously. I downloaded it (yeah fuck you too), unzipped it, installed it, played it, and fucking beat it - inside of 24 hours. Actual playing time was like 8 hours, maybe 10. that makes me sad. Somebody expects me to pay 50 bucks for 2 cd's worth of 8-10 hours of gameplay. and it's a first-person shooter, so no replay value, really. Things like this just piss me off. I played the demo for thief 2, and it took me like 3 hours the first time thru. A 3 hour demo. And I kept replaying that demo, trying to do things differently, take different routes. I played the freelancer demo, and it was an average demo, but after the demo missions ended, you can play for a really long time in kind of a free mode, where you can trade goods or play random jobs (you play a freelance space pilot). People who make games take note: I'm not about to pay you 50 fucking dollars for a game I can finish in 8 hours. Most of my jobs, I don't make 50 bucks in an 8 hour shift. On a similar note: while Piratizing© red faction 2, I saw metal gear solid 2 up for download. But No. Metal gear solid 2 comes on a dvd, so the download is *eighty* 50 meg files. for the small version that fits on 5.2 gig dvd-r media. Y'know, if I was to desire that game, I'd buy it. No way in hell am I going to download 5 gigs of one game.
current music: Well, to begin with it was "astro" by the white stripes, which contains the topic as a lyric. but then it was "psycho drama" by ultraviolence, "my heat goes boom" by snoop dogg, "this means war" by busta rhymes with ozzy osbourne, "dope boy fresh" by T.I., and finally "blackout" by method man and redman. took me a while to type this one out.
Spewed forth by Twilight Jones at 4/15/2003 12:26:00 AM 0 comments
Part the second
How to tell if you have an exceptionally large vocabulary, part the second:
If you use the dictionary as a spellchecker, you more than likely have not only an exceptionally large vocabulary, but superb spelling abilities as well. I mean, you kinda need to be able to spell pretty well to crack open a dictionary to check yourself.
In other news, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself, fool.
current music: well, "uviol" finished right after I made that last post (like 2 minutes ago), and since then, I've heard the original leadbelly version of "black betty", and now "duchess" from the video game alice is playing. the music in alice was done by chris vrenna, who is associated with nine inch nails. The music from alice is fairly disturbing. think victorian children's songs, if they were composed in a nightmare. the whole thing sounds like a music box forged in hell. Oh hey, now it's some band I've never heard of playing "(sic)" by slipknot - live, and poorly.
Spewed forth by Twilight Jones at 4/02/2003 11:49:00 PM 0 comments
How To Tell
How to tell if you have an exceptionally large vocabulary, part the first:
If you use the term "pyrrhic victory" during normal conversation, and the conversation isn't actually about the term "pyrrhic victory", your vocabulary is exceptionally large, perhaps unnecessarily so.
here's a scenario where someone might use the term: (note that I will flex my mighty vocabulary muscle a bit here.)
Usage of the term "pyrrhic victory"
"So, I was playing warcraft 3 against a friend of mine, and he was obviously better than me, but my forces were holed up in a well-defended position, and I controlled most of the gold mines on the map. I decided to play it as a war of attrition, sending small parties of high-damage units to force him to waste the rest of his gold defending against me. Little did I know, he had amassed an army in a remote corner of the map, and he caught me unawares with a full assault. I still had adequate defenses to hold him off for a while, and I was able to generate a good number of defenders, so I fought him off pretty well until he managed to cripple my forces with a clever flanking maneuver. I still had enough fighters and defenses left to make it a hard fight, and although I knew I was sunk, I did my best to make sure his victory was a pyrrhic one."
Ok, kudos if you understood every word in there, double-kudos if you've actually said "pyrrhic victory" at some point, triple-kudos if you thought "hey, warcraft 3 doesn't allow large enough armies to build an effective flanking attack." and uber-kudos if you corrected my grammar as you read.
current music: "Uviol" by autechre. man, those guys like giving songs names nobody can remember.
Spewed forth by Twilight Jones at 4/02/2003 11:42:00 PM 0 comments