Wednesday, December 13, 2000

Maybe I should just change my name to Nick.
I have a problem with nicknames. On this web log thing, I call myself Twilight Jones (which I've used off and on for maybe 8 years), but I'm also known as (in no particular order): Firebug, vYrus, BUTANE, 11-Wires, eclipse, and PAIN (in games). I have also used variants of most of those, like _vyrus_ or (eclipse), and I was once known as angrycowdisease, and once when I first installed aol instant messenger, I had to use Phyrebugge, because there are 200 billion people on aol, and aol doesn;t just give you a number like icq does (note that I no longer use AIM, and I'd rather hang myself by my penis than actually USE aol.)
Damn. I harshed on AOL pretty hard there... so like, everybody go to aol and sign up. or don't. or hang yourselves by your various gentialia. I don't care.
OK, New subject:
WHY I THINK MEN HAVE IT BETTER THAN WOMEN. (notice that I did NOT say we ARE better, although I think we are. This is why we have it better)

Men can write their names in the snow. Men with lots of self control can print their names in the snow.
Men only bleed when they are injured.
Men only cramp after running or something.
Men can't get pregnant.
When a man's dog dies, he gets sad, usually telling somebody "I loved that fucking dog, man!" Men do not take it further than that, and usually see it as a chance to get a new dog.
Men enjoy violence, which happens to be just about the only thing on tv.
Men can be really scary and intimidating if need be.
Men don't have to get help to pick up heavy things.
Men can get stuff off of any shelf in the house by themselvs.
Men can open their own damned jars.
And a bunch of other stuff that I don't care enough about to write down.