Thursday, December 21, 2000

Radio Coop: You've got questions, we've got chickens.

A 911 call to remember:
(911 person) 911, what is your emergency?
(lucky) I seem to have a bear eating my intestines.
(911) excuse me sir?
(lucky) I woke up this morning and there was a black bear eating my intestines. I guess he ripped me open during the night sometime. I figured he'd go away after a while, but it's been about 6 hours now...
(911) ok, so you say a bear is eating your intestines, and has been doing so for 6 hours.
(lucky) at least. he was eating them when I woke up.
(911) ok. uhh.. can you give me your address so we can-
(lucky) oops, now I'm on fire.
(911) excuse me?
(lucky) well, I was trying to light a torch to scare the bear off, you know, like in the movies?
(911) yes sir, in the movies.
(lucky) well, I made this torch, but when I tried to light it, I guess I spilled some kerosene on me, and well - now I'm on fire. it did scare the bear off, though, so I'm ok there.
(911) ok, is your whole body on fire, or just a part of you?
(lucky) well, most of me, really. not my head, though. well, my hair, but I figured you kinda assumed that.
(911) uh, sir, can you just give me your address and we can rush somebody out-
(lucky) hey, is it bad for an arm to just fall off?