Friday, September 27, 2002


Somebody buy me THIS. I've decided I want to have an lcd monitor in portrait mode next to my main monitor. If you've never done portrait mode, you don't know what you're missing. I had three webpages *and* a chat window open, and I could use all three without resizing or shuffling windows. My (CRT) monitor doesn't like sitting on it's side, tho... Honestly, somebody buy me that. Send me mail at KILLS_SPAM_DEADeclipseATSYMBOLspauldonetPERIODcom, and I'll like, be your friend. I'll make you some graphics or like, wax your dog, or something. seriously. Also, you could buy me THIS fantastic webcam. It costs less than the monitor, even, so you can be my friend or get an honest opinion of your new haircut for less money. maaaaaaaan, go look at that webcam. It has pivot and tilt ability, controllable by the viewer, and it moves quick. Check out the live demo and look around the office. I set it to track and it followed this dude with a ponytail around his cubical. badass.

Holy Crapamoli

In 2 days, this blogger will be 2 years old. Jeez, I feel old now.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

It's the real thing

Coca-Cola comes in: 8 oz cans, 12 oz cans, 10 oz bottles, 12 oz bottles, 17.5 oz bottles, 20 oz bottles, 1 liter bottles, 2 liter bottles, and 3 liter bottles, with multipacks of 6, 12, 24, and 6 17.5 oz bottles. and I bet you can still get the 16 oz bottles... And don't forget the fountain. Man, they need to calm down. I just drank one of those 8 oz cans, and all I gotta say is "why?" It's nearly half of a 12 oz can, and costs more, due to the low volume nature of it. Nevermind, I'm too tired to make any sense.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Sucking, Not sucking, Neon

Yeah, so I buy this new case. baaaaaaadass case. big blue antec badboy with a huge side window and an enermax power supply. (This case, with This side window)
I also got a blue neo tube for it, so i could have a blue glow coming out of my blue case so I could showcase the dandruff swap meet (lots of flakes). Well, I'll be damned if the thing didn't turn into a rock solid asskicking number crunching godbox. not a sign of flakiness, no weird errors or blue screens or reboots.
So now it looks killer AND runs stable. and oh yeah, my bud Sar spent like 2 hours routing all the various cables around in the case so you can hardly see any, and that's a big deal in a case with 3 case fans and 4 ide devices and a neon tube and a power supply with like 40 feet of wire hanging off it. Plus the yellow wire ties glow real bright in under the neon, which makes me wanna go buy some uv-reactive paint from the store and do the whole inside of the case.
One problem, tho. I put my new video card (the geforce 4) back in, ran a couple things, and when I ran gta3 (strictly for testing purposes... *cough*) I went to shot a gangsta with my uzi (because gangs are just wrong) and got a bluescreen. One I know well. "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED" in ntdisp.dll
hmm. this is disconcerting.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Ok, so this sucks worse.

So like, I upgraded, had a badass system, had bugs. OK. I can deal with this - I'll just figure out what the problem is and replace it. I thought it was the video card, so I swapped it for my old tnt2, and I still have bugs. not as many bugs, but still, the system is pretty much unusable. On top of this, I just smoked my second power supply. the one I had was about a year old, and it's a generic 300 watter, so I figure, Ok, it's dead - it happens. I do, afterall, have 2 optical drives and 2 hard drives on top of my power hungry cpu and video card. So I replace it, fine. Power supply is good, system is still buggy, and I'm suspecting the motherboard at this point. Last night, the thing rebootson me, and won't get past post. it keeps power cycling... Power supply number 2 down the drain.
Now I have a badass system sitting in the garage until I can buy a new power supply and replace that damn motherboard. I'm typing this, btw, on my roomate's computer.
so, yeah, grrr.

Monday, September 02, 2002

Well now, THIS sucks.

Ok so, I went and upgraded my computer. Took the big step. Went from a k6-2 500 with 320 megs of lowly sdram to a anthlon xp 2000+ with 256 megs of asskicking ddr ram. this damned thing runs like a scalded dog. only problem is: it runs like a scalded dog on the freeway, meaning it dies a lot. I have no idea why, but this thing has been flakier than raisin bran since I put it together. it reboots whenever it feels the need, it gives me many wonderful and exciting blue screens of death. ("page fault in nonpaged area, wtf is that supposed to mean?"), and it isn't heat related, or stupid software related, or even voltage related. I run a little monitor program, and the thing can be running super cool with stable voltage, and I'll go to open a window or something and *poof* - reboot. to add insult to injury, when it does the castors-up macarena, I don't have mouse or keyboard when I get back into windows. no idea why. I just don't. although, resetting during post after a random reboot fixes it. I'm stumped. so, I'm going to dig up my old video card when I get a chance and see if it's my video card. It might be the video card. All, well, most of the lockups and reboots seem to hinge on me doing something that involves more video muscle than normal, and the video card has been flaky since day one, when it would sometimes power down the video for no reason at all.

Although.... daaaaaaaaamn gta3 runs good on this thing. until it reboots. and warcraft 3 runs smoov as silk with all the options on high. so I'm really happy with it when I don't want to chuck it out in the freeway...