Friday, November 29, 2002

movin on up. well, east, anyway.

So yes, I did get fired. I had worked there for like a year and a half. that really sucks. a lot.


We're moving. To Illinois. Essentially, the only things keeping me here were my family and my job. I had a good stable job, it paid decent. my family and friends were all around here.
Now, tho... I lost my job, my mother and step father are moving to phoenix, and most of my friends will live in Illinois as of monday... So I'm moving with them.
Going to a little (still bigger than here) town outside of East St. Louis, which is across the mississippi from St. Louis proper. We're all (5 adults, 2 kids) going to be living in a 2 bedroom house for right now, until we get enough money rounded up to get moved into our own houses. My next post will most likely be made from the great state of Illinoise. I gotta bring my skull. I have this plastic skull with a canadian flag sticker on the forehead - upside down and burned. they'll love that in Illinois.

current music: "Violent and Funky" by Infectious Grooves. It's.. Funk, Rock, god knows what else... Odd. and the bassline is badass. Infectious Grooves is a side project of a couple guys from Suicidal Tendencies, by the way. Like you know who any of these people are...

Sunday, November 24, 2002

the good, the bad, and the ugly. well, the bad and ugly, anyway.

So, news. I was at work friday night, finishing up my paperwork so I could go home, and a couple cops showed up. Seems I sold a 6 pack of beer to a minor. It was a sting, I got stung. I did stop a minor from buying beer that day, too. someone who used to work there came up trying to buy a 12 pack, and he's like 20. he was trying to fool this new girl. in any case, I got a ticket, and I'll probably get fired. My boss said I'm suspended until his boss gets back in town monday, and they'll pass judgement then. Of course, the Big Boss in charge of the company has it in for me, so I'll most likely get fired. I've had this job for a year and a half. I've never done anything for that long. The job market here is dismal, at best. I don't know what I'm going to do...

Other news. I bought a webcam and a 21" monitor. before I learned that I'd most likely be fired. the webcam was cheap cheap - 15 bucks cheap. the monitor not so much. I paid 249 bucks for a dell 21" trinitron-tubed monster. The monitor works great, and I've finally climbed up the tallest mountain and yelled to the heavens: "I own a monitor that can run at 2048X1536!! Suck it down!!" 2048x1536 is the resolution of the gods. to put it in perspective, set your (pathetic) monitor to 1024X768. now imagine 4 of those desktops, in a square, on one monitor. My monitor can do that. Yes, I've developed a superiority complex because of it, but c'mon - I mean, it's 21 inches!

Oh yeah, I mentioned the webcam, so Go look. I rn it the whole time I'm awake, but it just points to where I sit in front of the computer (with the monitor that's bigger than yours), so it isn't exactly tension-filled. I will end up doing weird things with it.. I mean, I always do that, it's kinda my thing.

current music: The soundtrack for "requiem for a dream". I cannot describe the beauty of this album. it's a cello quartet and an electronic musician creating the soundtrack of a movie about heroin addiction. I was floored the first time I heard it. I still haven't bought the album, mostly because I can't find it where I shop for cd's. I do, however, have the mp3 (one mp3, the whole album. this album deserves to be listened to all at once) and I listen to it a lot. I highly recommend it. at least get the mp3 to experience it once.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002


Yeah, so here's some links to stuff I've been looking at lately. Enjoy.

Video Rocketry Some very cool footage from video camera (one of those x-10 wireless jobbers) mounted in the body of a model rocket. Badass.
Mindless Self Indulgence An incredibly freaky band. A mixture of punk, hip-hop, techno, and anything else they can fit inside a 2 minute frenzy of a song full of violent time-shifts and vocals rapidly switching from growls to falsetto to rapping.
Artsy computer photography. Like, pictures of old computers and the people operating them. neat stuff.
Penny Arcade I'm surprised I didn't start reading this before now. An online comic about gaming. Also, it's hilarious.

current music: "Scalped" by dick dale. Yes, the guy who plays that surfer music, and whos "misirlou" is the main theme of 'pulp fiction' I sorta randomly found "Misirlou" while looking for other stuff, and I ended up grabbing abunch of his stuff.

stuck in my head: So, here's a thing: My internal jukebox went deep for this one, so deep that I can't find the song. It's "whatupwitu" by Eddie Murphy. Yes, he sings. Remember "Party all the time"? Eddie. Well, "whatsupwitu" has michael jackson in it, and it was made into a video, but it sucks so bad that nobody bothered to like, keep it around. I've only heard it like twice (Hell, Eddie's probably heard it less than a dozen times, and he sang the fucker.) But it's in my head, nonetheless. And it's been there for like 4 days, on and off, while I've been looking for it.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Bacon Burger Dog

Guh. I just had 2 bacon burger dogs. I will now die.


Ok, better now. A Bacon Burger Dog, or BBD - no, not BBD, because that makes me think of bel biv devoe... anyway, it's a hotdog, with cheese in it, wrapped in ground beef, then in bacon, then you grill it. sounds good, no?

current music: Some electronica from deep in the genre. stuff you've never heard. stuff by groups you've never heard of formed from *other* groups you've never heard of. Specifically, I'm getting a lot of stuff by Photek, and trying to get some stuff by Mu-ziq (it's the little U symbol that means "Mu" in the greek alphabet, but I don't know how to make it and don't feel like looking), and "Expert Knob Twiddlers" by Mike and Rich, which is Muziq and the Aphex Twin (Mike Parradinas and Richard D James). It's mostly IDM (Intelligent dance music). I seem to be listening to a lot of IDM these days.

stuck in my head: Well. I- I uh... It's just that - (sigh).... Well.... It's The Theme From Popeye. There, I've said it. I had the damn popeye song stuck in my head. I also have, for reasons unknown, "The Neutron Dance" by The Pointer Sisters. More 80's weirdness. Somebody kill me.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002


I built a new computer. See, I had the castoff parts of my old k6-2 500 from when I built the 2000+ (which has a dead motherboard), and I took those parts (case and stuff) and bought a new motherboard a cpu. Now I have a duron 1.2 with 256 megs of ram, and its own 8 gig hard drive, but I currently have the 40 and 80 giggers in there until I get vertex (the 2000+) built again. This new system, as well, has an ati all-in-wonder radeon 7500. the all in wonder series has always been some of the coolest video cards out there, and the new radeon ones add 3d gaming power to the lineup. this card does video capture, has a tv tuner, is clustered with all manner of inputs and outputs, and has an rf remote control. I watched tv all day today. on my pc. Tv on my PC! That's wild!

current music: I'm getting the new stuff from Audioslave. Audioslave is rage against the machine, minus zach de la rocha, minus all the anger at the establishment, plus chris cornell, lather, rinse, repeat. Sounds very much like "the new soundgarden record" to me, but it's still cool. I just want zach de la rocha to get back to yelling about stuff. he's cool.

Saturday, November 09, 2002


Mr. Internal Jukebox has been on overdrive today. I'd like to explain something about my internal jukebox: For those of you who aren't cursed with one, an internal jukebox is your memory of every song you've ever heard. The mind, being a sick and perverse thing, pulls out songs you forgot about, with good reason, long ago, and plays them over and over. These songs aren't *always* songs you hate, or love, they seem to be pretty random, although mine can be triggered by various things. In any case, once a song gets going, it'll be with you for a while. There is no escape. Some people can avert it by listening to music. I am not so lucky. I need to hear the song itself, or sometimes I can wait it out. This is part of the reason why I started the "stuck in my head" thing. I also had a thought today - I can map out what my internal jukebox calls forth over time and see how it works. There has been a lot of 80's pop so far.
Let's get on with it:
stuck in my head:Ok, so these songs all sorta started swirling around in my head today, all at once. And now you can have them, I don't want them anymore. First up to bat is "Careless Whisper" by Wham! So, Wham! isn't exactly my idea of a good band, or a band at all, and this sickly lost love ballad is sappy, even for the band who did "wake me up before you go-go" But it's here, nonetheless.
Next up is "Jeremiah Peabody's Polyunsaturated Quick Dissolving Fast Acting Pleasant Tasting Green and Purple Pills" (gasps for air) by Ray Stevens I actually rather like this song, although the title is a tad much.
Winner of the "First Stuck In My Head Song I Didn't Have To Go Download, Since I Already Had It" Award goes to "Pick A Bale Of Cotton" by Leadbelly Although I'm not sure why I had it to begin with.
And somehow, *TWO* songs by Sade played in my head. First it was "Smooth Operator", Then that swapped out with "Sweetest Taboo" And I just abhor both songs, and Sade in general. As a side: I completely and totally refuse to pronounce Sade's name like she would have me. See, Sade wants people to pronounce it "Shar-day", and most of her fans do. I will never. If I became her greatest fan, and one day she came to my house offering me hot oily twisted kinky monkey love if only I would say "shar-day" once, I'd say, "No thanks, SADE"
I'll pronounce it Like the marquis du sade, I'll say "saa-day" or "sayd" (Like "say" with a d on it) but If she wants me to pronounce it "shar-day, She had better put an R in there somewhere. An H wouldn't hurt, either.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002


Uh, this whole post is for the "stuck in my head" thing. I'll say something cool, tho, or something.
Oh, hey! my computer (the one with the speed hole, pictured HERE) died. The motherboard, which has been the source of my problems from day one, keeled over and won't power up. good riddance. I now get to try to wrangle a new one out of the asian folks I bought it from. yay.

current music: '(sic)' by slipknot. I listen to that one a lot, and so should you. well, if you are so inclined. Also "the song remains insane" by soulfly, which is AHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CRAZZZZZYYY!!!!!!!!!! It starts off with a blazing fast cover of some song by a brazilian band, then a cover of a sepultura song (which the lead singer of soulfly used to be the lead singer of), then some hardcore thrash stuff. quite entertaining.

stuck in my head: What you shouldn't listen to, more than likely, is 'Goody Two Shoes' by Adam Ant Don't drink, don't smoke, what do you do?
I got this stuck in my head because my friend spauldo was talking about another friend, named adam, and said "Adam is adamant". I took this out of context and iwent "Adam is Adam Ant? Cool." Now, I see the error of my ways, as this fucking song keeps playing in my head. damnit.