Wednesday, January 24, 2001

A dissertation on cheese:

Cheese. Cheese is always shown in commercials streaming out of every gooey orifice of the hamburger/taco/pizza in an attempt to make you want the product more. If you were to eat this product, with its vast rivers of cheese all oozing and stretchy, you would most certainly burn the piss out of your mouth. So why the need to use a potentially hazardous product to sell food? Easy, gooey cheese=tasty food. The ad people figured out this equation some time ago. They know that even though cheese at 700 degrees farenheit is not something anyone wants in their mouths, cheese at 700 degrees farenheit LOOKS very appetizing, and makes the host food look better by proxy - flavor by association. I propose we as a society start to like cold cheese. I enjoy seeing a taco with the cheese just starting to melt, and, having delivered pizza for a while, I know that molten cheese is not only dangerous - it makes the food less attractive by allowing the other ingredients to slide around in seas of cheese. so, rather than sailing the seas of cheese (primus references notwithstanding), rather let us salivate to *slightly* gooey cheese, or cold cheese.

I'm so bright, my daddy called me "sun".
my future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.
I wear my sunglasses at night - so I can see.
I am not a random link.
Neither am I.
I am kinda random, but not TOO random or anything, just kinda confused.
I'm not really random, but I am totally wacked out.
You're so vain, I'll bet you think this link is about you.