Thursday, January 25, 2001

Primus, they don't sound like anybody.
There are so few bands that you can say that about. how many bands sound like some other band? most of them. Not Primus, though. Primus sounds like.... Primus. That makes it tough to describe them to somebody who hasn't heard them. it's like trying to describe blue to somebody who has been blind from birth. Primus is quirky, funny, rock, alternative, almost bluegrass sometimes.... they like fishing and Tom Waits, lots of their songs tell a story, usually of one odd person. And Les Claypool can play the hell out of that bass. I've never heard anybody that can do some of the stuff that Les can do for 8 minutes while singing the (also challenging) lyrics to "tommy the cat" live.Were I forced to make a list of my 5 favorite bands, Primus would be right up there at or near the top.
Ok, so, more links now.
SmellyPoop Now if you really don;t like somebody, you can send fresh feces to them via this wonderful little site. I'd go for the camel poo, myself, that stuff has got to be nasty.
Not the best idea we as a people have had. Seems that people down under are shoving their poop in each other's poop chutes in order to fix poop-related ailments. Myself, I'd rather just deal with irritable bowels. I could just get them to switch to decaf or something.
Rotten Just plain wrong. be sure to browse the "fuck of the month".
Boy, I really hope my family never gets a look at my bookmarks... They would be absoultely horrified.
Why does adding the word "monkey" to something make it funnier? I mean, "ass" isn't really a funny word, but "assmonkey" is giggle-inducing. I also like "monkeyfucker". "stumpfucker", while not containing "monkey", is quite funny. At least that's what I think. But then again, I'm a big ol' freak with the bookmark folder from hell.