Wednesday, January 03, 2001

yeah right, like I'm gonna fall for the old "I just shot a cop and you gotta help me hide the body" routine again.
I think Phenol would be a good name for a band.
So a mushroom walks into a bar, and the bartender says "get outta here, we don't serve your kind in here". and the mushroom goes "aww, come on - I'm really a fun-gi once you get to know me." (nyuk nyuk nyuk)
I don't mean to influence anybody here, but go buy Homeworld: Cataclysm right now. Go ahead, I'll wait. and while you're gone I'll steal your stuff and blame it on your little brother. seriously, I'm not a fan of space sims, I have owned 3 of them total in my life (freespace, freespace 2, and now cataclysm), but this game rules. When I first encountered the beast, I got all tense and sweaty. The beast is a biomechanical virus that infects your ships and makes them try to destroy you, and all larger ships carry weapons that can infect a whole squadron of your ships from weapons range. cool stuff, deep story, neato cutscenes (they are in black and white and look almost like cartoons), and lots of big nasty weapons, like the almighty siege cannon, which can vaporize capital shops from several K away. Anyway, go buy it. Right now. don't worry, it'll run on a 266 with a 4 meg video card.