I hear it's nice.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

yeah, so it's been a while since I posted. It's not that I didn't have anything to say - it's that I didn't feel like posting.

I've begun a couple of new things. First up, Doom 3. Doom 3 will be my life, my all-consuming addiction - just as soon as I can get it to work. see, it crashes 10-15 seconds after loading. And by 'crashes' I mean 'hardlocks my goddamned computer.' I don't want to talk about it anymore. It makes me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. Y'know, cuz I can be a prick.
The other new thing I'm doing, and only started doing this sunday: I'm playing dungeons and dragons. I'm a half-elf cleric of Kord, god of brawling, drinking, battle and athleticism. Mostly the drinkin' and fightin', tho. I've managed to get KO'd by a friggin' kobold with a wand that fires magic missle. yeah, I feel like a pussy. I'm supposed to be Mr. Big Bad Broadsword, and Mr. Rat Lizard With A Stick knocked me to negative hit points. Then later a goblin got a critical on me - for 4 points. I was so upset I had to chop his goblin ass in twain. I'm both the heavy fighter and the healer of our party. Probably not the best combination, considering I only picked up a bow in our last battle, which means I'll spend most of my time having sharp things land on me - and I'm the guy who's supposed to keep everybody alive.

Music Of The Moment: "One Perfect Sunrise" by Orbital. It's ok techno, but I prefer "Bachelorette" by Bjork, which was on before. I love Bjork. I want her to have my children. I want us to marry and move to Reykjavik. I'll convert for her. Bjork is a member of Asatru, which is one of the elder, predating pretty much everything religions. I could go for worshipping Thor and Odin.

Link Of The Moment: Asatru

Word Of The Moment: Blah but only because I'm amazed it's in there. I'll use it in a sentence: Britney Spears' new album is totally blah! Like, Drivel-icious!