Saturday, October 14, 2000

And now for some random garbage off the top of my head:

I say random an awful lot. Not as much as this one guy I know, Randy R. Randomner. He was off in Pakistan a few years back and got arrested for spray painting "elect a duck fart" on the wall of the US embassy, and then the Swiss army came in and tried to extract him which is odd since A: He isn't Swiss, B: he doesn't even know anybody in Switzerland, and C: Switzerland doesn't actually have an army. So he was all in this jail trying to figure out how this army that didn't exist and had no reason to be there anyway was trying to get him out of a jail in pakistan, when he realized his cellmate was the one and only Mr. T. Mr. T was there because "foo" apparently means something to the effect of "overthrow the government" in whatever the hell language they speak over there. So Mr. T was going on and on with his "I pity this foo" and "I pity that foo", and Randy suddenly vanished into this air, only to rematerialize on the campus of M.I.T., with no clothes on, and a bowling pin stuck halfway up his ass. Well, needless to say, he was instantly known as the coolest guy on campus, and even though he never got around to putting any clothes on or taking out the bowling pin, he still managed to to become an olympic foosball player using the math skills he learned in college. and he would have made it to the Olympics, except that he kept saying how it was the most random thing he had ever seen how he had come to be on the olympic foosball squad, after being in a prison in pakistan with Mr. T only a few years prior, and his coach eventually got tired of it, and kicked him off the team. He did end up going to the olympics, though, as the flagbearer for the Swiss team.