Thursday, October 26, 2000

I feel weird when I miss a day posting to my blog, like I'm letting down my millions of fans. The only problem is - I don't have millions of fans. I probably don't have A fan. well yeah, I've got a fan, but it's on high sitting on a table in the room with me, but you know what I meant.
I also want to post another one of those random links, but I don't have any. I cleared out my favorites in the last few posts, so I'll go find a link for you millions of loyal fans, and then maybe I'll deflate my head.
RANDOM COOL JEWELRY LINK there, happy? Btw, if anybody would care to buy me one of those Clapton-Richards skull rings, I'll make a donation to the charity of your choice in the amount 20 Pesos, which I think translates out to around 1/3 of a cent. Also, if you happen to have some old appliances or computer hardware that you don't feel like throwing away, send it to me and I'll send you some pictures of it meeting it's demise at my hands. I really like to break things, but you can't break stuff that has value or people will get upset. So mostof the time I can't break stuff, so I spend that time on the computer. It's a wonderful life.
<RANT> On another note, yesterday I mentioned Unreal and Quake, but there is a problem - I can't run Quake III because of my crappy video, and I have to run Unreal Tournament in software mode at 320X240 to avoid dropping frames, but I still play UT, and I still play QIII whenever I get on somebody else's machine. I've always played first person shooters, I was playing Castle Wolfenstein on my Uncle's shiny new computer when it first came out, and I never stopped. but nowadays, all the games are becoming multi player only, and I am stuck here behind this pitiful 56k, so my only choice is either a LAN game or slaughtering bots ina single player game. Of course, very few of my friends with computers want to play LAN games of UT or QIII, and those that do want to play actually have lives, so they can't be training 24/7 like I do, so I end up dominating and boring everybody because they can't get a frag in. Boy do I hate being Godlike. To top all of this off, I live 14 miles south of the middle of nowhere, so there aren't any local groups that do the community LAN party thing.
I think I understand now - I just hate my life. I'm not happy with my computer, I'm not happy with my location, I'm not happy with my connection to the internet, I'm not happy with the fact that I am the only person I know that would rather play UT than sleep. And don't even get me started on all these damned feathers growing out of my head... </RANT>