Saturday, October 07, 2000

I am Tiger Woods. And I'm not even too sure who Tiger Woods is.
I am Tiger Woods© wearing Michael Jordan© cologne and Nike© sneakers in my Buick© listening to the Britney Spears© cd I got from McDonalds©. Did domebody say McDonalds©? uh, Yeah, I just did. Anyway, I got the cd for only 2.99 when I got a Big Mac© after I saw the commercial on NBC© that came on during the Olympics©, which took place in Australia©.
Oh yeah, Mir isn't gonna be scrapped after all. Turns out, somebody raised enough money to buy all that space-lysol, and they won't send Mir spiraling into the earth in february. The space-fungus was unavailable for comment. Somebody needs to make a movie about the heroic space-lysol. SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE LYYYYYYYYSOOOOOLLLLLLLLL IN THE 21ST CENTURY!!!!!!!!