Dinosaurs Are Getting Expensive.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

As a reference to this post, read This Post from way back in July of 2001. I was upset about the price of gas. Pissed, even. Gas was like 1.20 a gallon then. The national average is now dangerously close to 2.00 a gallon. My parents talk about when gas was 50 cents a gallon, waaaaaaaay back when they were kids, before I was born. Now I can tell teenagers "I remember when gas was HALF the price it is now." And they'll go "Yeah, me too. it was 4 years ago." Economists say that when you take inflation into account, gas is actually nowhere near record highs. Fuck economists. Economists should look at me. I was making 7.50 an hour in 1998 when gas was 1.00 a gallon. A month ago I was making 7.50 an hour - and gas was 1.97 a gallon. Inflation can go fuck itself. When my wages inflate to match everything else, I'll be ok with the price of gas. The heirs of all those prehistoric creatures who became the oil which became the gas we're paying so much for should sue somebody. It's the Amurican way.

current music: "Satan Gave Me A Taco" by Beck. I love that song.
word of the moment: inflation - Including the quote "In inflation everything gets more valuable except money." I'll just let that one stand on it's own.