The Lord's Real Name Is Jim (non-activism)

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I wonder if they have a religion/political party/country for people like me. I have the general attitude of "you do your thing and stay the fuck out of mine." People should live right, and treat other people right, and shut the hell up and stop bothering everybody else because they aren't living the right kind of right. Just because I think guns are nifty or The Lord's real name is Jim, doesn't mean I'm doing it wrong. If I thought people with freckles were sent by satan and must die - well that's different. I see people following what I consider to be completely nutty and comically absurd ways of life - and I mean like "the original batman series" absurd - but I let them do their thing. As long as your thing doesn't interfere in other people's things, or hurt or kill other people - go ahead and have fun with it. My way of life has advantages - I don't get all fussy when I see somebody against something I'm for - because I don't care. Let them think the earth is flat - it just means I can laugh about it. Let them worship Buddha or wear tinfoil on their heads or vote for Nader or get naked and dance around a bonfire on the third tuesday of every october because - and this is the important part - I don't. I do my thing, and let everybody else do theirs. I think this should extend everywhere. Let radio and tv carry what people might find obscene. The old addage still stands - if you don't agree with it, don't take part. Don't listen or watch, and let people who want to listen and watch do so, and shut the fuck up about it, you whiny baby. Just because you don't think something should be the way it is doesn't mean everybody else does - or should. I personally practice no religion at all. This tends to upset religious folks, because at the root of it all - I'm doing it wrong. With politics it's easier - I don't vote, and nobody really cares. All the political ads are aimed at people just like me, but I don't watch them. I'm not an "undecided voter", because I've decided - to not vote.