Immaculate, indeed (biblical sex, wordplay)

Saturday, June 12, 2004

I wonder what the virgin Mary's parents thought when she told them she was pregnant, but hadn't actually had sex with Joseph. And did they tell little jesus that Joe was his "uncle" or something? And did Mary and Joseph ever end up actually doing it? I bet her parents went "ohhh... that's wonderful" but were thinking something like "she's been whoring around with that pool boy again, I just bet you. Immaculate, indeed." And I always thought the whole immaculate comception was a little odd, considering that God has a real problem with people conceiving out of wedlock. I don't think God and Mary were married, and although he didn't actually lay her down and make sweet holy love to her down by the fire - he did still impregnate her. And violated one of his biggest rules in the process. Of course, religious folk will go "that's different." or something, but I don't care. I don't get a lot of things, tho. Like why is there a word for a gay woman, but not one for a gay man? If you are homosexual, you can be homosexual or gay, or various other nasty terms - but a gay woman can be more specific - she can be a lesbian. A gay guy can't distinguish his gender - he's just gay. So you have to say "gay man" when gender is required. I also wonder why there isn't a female version of misogynist. There are certainly man-hating women - why isn't there a word for them? Besides bitch or something, I mean. There also isn't a female equivalent of Effeminate, which means 'girly man', basically. Calling a woman 'butch' is asking for a hairy-knuckled fist in the teeth - some things can't be said, no matter how true they are. I have a thing for words, though, which is probably why I sit and wonder about these things when I really ought to be out mowing the lawn or something. I think I want to start a campaign to allow unusual plurals to flourish. I think that most words ending in 's' or 'sh' whould be given weird plurals. Examples: Danish should be Danishae, and Oasis should be Oasii. I'd call it the "Citizenry for odd pluralo" or something. Maybe not, because that would be pronounced "see-fop", and It's been my experience that acronyms containing words like Fop are a bad idea. Fop is one of those words that I don't actually think means anything, but it sounds weird, like it should mean something, and it should be unpleasant.